Use "abbasid|abbasids" in a sentence

1. Abbasid (750-1258 CE, 1261-1517 CE) - The Abbasids overthrew the Umayyads and established the Abbasid Caliphate in 750 CE.

2. Abbasids (750-1517) Abbasids the 2nd dynasty of caliphs Archived 2019-07-13 at the Wayback Machine; Abbasid Caliphs (In Our Time, Radio 4), in Streaming RealAudio; An On-Going Detailed Account of the History of the Abbasids from an Islamic perspective.

3. Abbasid caliphate synonyms, Abbasid caliphate pronunciation, Abbasid caliphate translation, English dictionary definition of Abbasid caliphate

4. Abbasid synonyms, Abbasid pronunciation, Abbasid translation, English dictionary definition of Abbasid

5. (Reguidit frae Abbasids) The Abbasid Caliphate (Arabic: الخلافة العباسية ‎ al-Khilāfah al-‘Abbāsīyah) wis the third o the Islamic caliphates tae succeed the Islamic prophet Muhammad

6. After this, the Abbasids moved to …

7. Did the Seljuks regard the Abbasids …

8. Learn Abbasids with free interactive flashcards

9. The Abbasid Tradition (The Nasser D

10. The first Abbasid caliph, Saffah (r

11. Abbasid Muslim caliph dynasty (750–1258)

12. The Abbasid Revolution The Abbasid Dynasty overthrew the preceding Umayyad Dynasty, which was based in Damascus, Syria

13. Abbasids, second dynasty in Islam, ruling from 750 to 1258, mostly from their capital of Baghdad.At its height (eighth-ninth centuries) the Abbasid realm extended from Central Asia in the east through North Africa in the west

14. Main Difference – Abbasid vs Umayyad Empire

15. Choose from 500 different sets of Abbasids flashcards on Quizlet.

16. The Abbasids were the third of three Muslim Caliphates

17. Collected information about the Abbasids of students from Cornell

18. The Abbasids took the support of Persians to overthrow the Umayyad caliphate

19. They traced their descent from al-Abbas, the uncle of Muhammad, and came to power by defeating the Umayyads.In 862 the Abbasids moved the caliphate from Damascus to Baghdad, where it achieved great splendour.From the 10th century Abbasid caliphs ceased to exercise political power, becoming religious figureheads.

20. The Journal of Abbasid Studies (JAS) is a platform to discuss the political, cultural, social, economic, religious and intellectual life of the Abbasid Caliphate

21. The Abbasid revolt began a new age for the Umma

22. Under the Abbasids, the caliphate transformed to a large extent

23. See more ideas about Abbasid caliphate, caliphate, islamic art.

24. Abbasid Dynasty was overthrown by the Mongols in 1258 AD

25. The family came to power in the Abbasid Revolution in 748–750, supplanting the Umayyad Caliphate.They were the rulers of the Abbasid Caliphate, as well as the

26. ‘The Abbasid dynasty, centered in Iraq, followed.’ ‘Baghdad lies near the site of Babylon and was founded by the Arab Abbasid dynasty in the eighth century AD.’ ‘The revolution that brought the Abbasid family to power prompted a period of medieval prosperity for Iraq.’

27. ‘The Abbasid dynasty, centered in Iraq, followed.’ ‘Baghdad lies near the site of Babylon and was founded by the Arab Abbasid dynasty in the eighth century AD.’ ‘The revolution that brought the Abbasid family to power prompted a period of medieval prosperity for Iraq.’

28. The chart shown illustrates the genealogical tree of the Abbasid family

29. Alids opposed to Abbasids claiming that they are true owners of the power

30. The period of Abbasids was started in 750 A.D after the fall of Ummayads

31. English to urdu dictionaryabatable abbe abbasid abbey abbevillian Abbatial Meaning in Urdu _____

32. The Abbasids were essentially puppets of secular rulers starting from 945, though their rule over Baghdad and its surroundings continued until 1258 when the Mongols sacked Baghdad, while their lineage as nominal caliphs lasted until 1517, when the Ottomans conquered Egypt (the seat of the Abbasid caliphate after 1258) and claimed the caliphate

33. English to urdu dictionaryabatable abbe abbasid abbey Abbevillian abbatial Meaning in Urdu _____

34. Abbasid definition, a member of a dynasty of caliphs ruling at Baghdad, a.d

35. Abbasids a dynasty of Arab caliphs (750–1258), descended from Abbas, uncle of Muhammad

36. Abbasid Caliphs of Baghdad (750-1258) descendants of Prophet's uncle Abbas Sunnites

37. What does Abbasid mean? An Arabic dynasty (750–1258) that expanded the Muslim empire

38. The Abbasid caliphate also was against the secular character of the Umayyad caliphate

39. While this development in fashion began during the Umayyad Dynasty preceding the Abbasids, its genuine cosmopolitan style was realized at its finest during Abbasid reign by the founding of the capitol city of Baghdad in Iraq, the rise of a bourgeoisie, and the circulation of the notion of adab — an ideal of

40. The early rule of the Abbasids was a time of scientific and artistic achievement

41. 19 The Umayyads were finally overthrown and the first Abbasid, Abul-Abbas, took the throne.

42. The Abbasids was a dynasty of caliphs who ruled the caliphate of Islam from 750 until 1258

43. Like the Umayyad Caliphate before it, the leader of the Abbasids was called the caliph

44. The period of Haroon Rasheed and Mamoon Rasheed was considered the golden period of Abbasids

45. The Abbasid rule was at once more restrictive for the individuals and more open intellectually

46. Caliphate - Caliphate - The Abbasid Caliphate: The Abbasids, descendants of an uncle of Muhammad, owed the success of their revolt in large part to their appeal to various pietistic, extremist, or merely disgruntled groups and in particular to the aid of the Shiʿah, who held that the Caliphate belonged by right to the descendants of ʿAlī.

47. The Abbasid Caliphate was a major dynasty that ruled over the Islamic Empire during its peak

48. During the time of the Abbasids, the caliph was usually the son (or other closest male relative) of …

49. The Abbasid Caliphate was so strong that its period is remembered as the golden age of Islam

50. At this time, al-Jazira was one of the highest tax-yielding provinces of the Abbasid Empire.

51. Abbasid (əbă`sĭd, ă`bəsĭd) or Abbaside (–sīd, –sĭd), Arab family descended from Abbas Abbas, d

52. The Abbasid Caliphate was the third of the four great Muslim caliphates of the Arab Empire

53. Abbasid caliphate, second of the two great dynasties of the Muslim empire of the caliphate

54. The Abbasid caliphs were the holders of the Islamic title of caliph who were members of the Abbasid dynasty, a branch of the Quraysh tribe descended from the uncle of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, al-Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib.

55. Abbasids never maintained a large number of the regular army, but they could recruit soldiers in a short time

56. The Abbasid Caliphate was the third of the four great Muslim Caliphates of the Arab Empire

57. Abbasid (əbă`sĭd, ă`bəsĭd) or Abbaside (–sīd, –sĭd), Arab family descended from Abbas Abbas, d

58. Under the Abbasid caliphate (750–1258), which succeeded the Umayyads (661–750) in 750, the focal point of Islamic political and cultural life shifted eastward from Syria to Iraq, where, in 762, Baghdad, the circular City of Peace (madinat al-salam), was founded as the new capital.The Abbasids later also established another city north of Baghdad, called Samarra (an abbreviation of the

59. During the time of the Abbasids, the caliph was usually the son (or other closest male relative) of the previous Caliph.

60. Under the Abbasids the capital of the caliphate was moved from Damascus to the new city of Baghdad.

61. The Abbasid Revolution, also called the Movement of the Men of the Black Raiment, was the overthrow of the Umayyad Caliphate (661–750 CE), the second of the four major Caliphates in early Islamic history, by the third, the Abbasid Caliphate (750–1517 CE)

62. Feb 10, 2020 - Explore المتحف العراقي iraq Museum's board "Abbasid Caliphate", followed by 861 people on Pinterest

63. The Abbasid Caliphate (Arabic: الخلافة العباسية ‎ / ALA-LC: al-Khilāfah al-‘Abbāsīyyah), was the third of the Islamic caliphates to succeed the Islamic prophet Muhammad.The Abbasid dynasty descended from Muhammad's youngest uncle, Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib (566–653 CE)

64. The Abbasids held the caliphate from 749 to 1258, but they were recognized neither in Spain nor (after 787) W of Egypt.

65. For one, Umayyad’s has much greater interest in the Mediterranean coast while Abbasids focused on the plains of Iran and Iraq

66. AbbasidThe early Islamic empire fell to Abbasid control with the overthrow and decimation of the Umayyad house in 750 c.e

67. The Abbasids were descendants from Prophet Muhammad’s youngest uncle, Abbas Ibn Abd Al-Muttalib, whom the empire was named after

68. The Abbasids were an economic powerhouse: They created and modified trade routes, established their dominance, and built countless buildings and

69. While the Byzantine Empire was fighting Abbasid rule in Syria and Anatolia, the caliphate’s military operations were focused on internal unrest.

70. Abbasid əbă´sĭd, ă´bəsĭd or Abbaside –sīd, –sĭd , Arab family descended from Abbas, the uncle of Muhammad

71. The "Abbasid revolution" followed an extended period of clandestine organization centered in the eastern province of Khurasan

72. The Abbasids moved the empire’s capital from Damascus, in modern-day Syria, to Baghdad, in modern-day Iraq, in 762 CE

73. Taking advantage of the successes of the anti-Umayyad Shiite movement (the uprising of Abu Muslim), the Abbasids overthrew the Umayyads

74. The Armies of Outremer (Christian territory centered on Jerusalem) The Military Orders (like the Templars and Hospitallers, and some lesser known groups) The Iberian Armies (El Cid and the Reconquista covers this topic in much greater detail) Byzantine Armies (extremely brief) Abbasid Armies (Armies of the Abbasid Caliphate of Baghdad)

75. Abbasid Abbassid Abbasside Abbate Abbe Abbevilean Abbeville Abbevillian Abbey … Ancylopoda Ancylostoma Ancylostomum Ancylus Ancyrean Ancyrene And … C-shaped C-sharp C-star C

76. Under the ‘Abbasids too a whole literature was created for the use and training of the clerical classes that had come into being

77. Indeed, Ptolemy's Almagest was claimed as a condition for peace by al-Ma'mum after a war between the Abbasids and the Byzantine Empire.

78. The Abbasid Caliphate, which ruled most of the Muslim world from Baghdad in what is now Iraq, lasted from 750 to 1258 A.D

79. And Abbasid to obstacle this desire of the Alids some times preferred pressure method and some times became in an egreement affort.

80. Abbasid was the dynastic name generally given to the caliphs of Baghdad, the second of the two great dynasties of the Muslim empire